Today my firstborn is a month old.
It's amazing how quickly time passes, especially when you are up to your eyeballs in dirty diapers and baby's laundry. Laundry that, by the way, my mother won't allow me to do myself, since I live in San Francisco, and God only knows what kind of strange people wash their clothes in my apartment complex. It probably doesn't occur to my mother that my baby's tender flesh will come into contact with my clothes and my husband's clothes anyways, which are routinely washed in the apartment's laundry facilities. If we have not yet contracted some horrific "San Francisco Disease" it is unlikely that our boy will either.
The disease that he has contracted, unfortunately, is the disease that many firstborn children and first grand children (and in his case, first great-grandchild) have contracted in the past: it is the Won't-Sleep-In-The-Crib Disease. This disease is contracted by the comforting touch and cradling of doting grandparents, newly minted parents and aunts and uncles. The more one holds and comforts the new baby, the more likely it is that he or she will have a more serious form of the disease. Symptoms include crying when left alone in the crib, and absolute silence and utter calm when picked up again. My research indicates that there is no cure for this disease, and the treat ment is painful for both parents and baby. Treatment involves leaving the baby to cry and snuffle for a few minutes until wailing ensues. Only then may the parents or caregivers pick up and soothe the baby, and then put the baby right back in the crib. This is to be repeated until the baby gets a clue and starts sleeping in the crib. Needless to say, newly minted Dad is vehemently opposed to this treatment, and I am somewhat opposed as well, although in the early morning, when Dad is off to work, I let the baby snuffle a few minutes longer than I normally would, to get some much needed shut eye.
We are going to the pediatrician's office in about an hour for his check-up, and to address the diaper rash that won't go away.
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