Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sleeping Giants

This week my son has decided to become nocturnal. Ever since our Monday outing to the doctor's office, where he slept in the stroller most of the day, he's taken to staying up later and later, until yesterday, at 2am, I decided that I had enough. So today, when he woke up at 1pm, I didn't try to put him down for a midday nap. Not that it matters; he refuses to sleep during the day anyway. He did fall asleep for half an hour between 4 and 4:30, but aside from that, he's been wide awake and fussy. Around 8pm he started getting sleepy and super cranky. Finally, at 10pm, I fed him and put him down to sleep. I think he will sleep most of the night through.

It's puzzling that a child this young can go the entire day without napping at all. From 1pm until 10pm, he slept just half an hour. At night, he wakes up every 2-3 hours for his feeding, then goes back to sleep. People tell me that he's extremely alert and aware for a six week old baby, and I'm thinking, You have NO idea. My aunt noted that he sleeps like a much older child, awake the entire day and (mostly) sleeping through the night. I wouldn't be complaining much if he was the kind of baby that I could put down in his chair or play mat and leave him be for an hour. He demands that you talk to him, hold him, at least be in his vicinity so that he is reassured that he is still the center of attention. If he would take a nap during the day, or at least play by himself, I could concentrate on a number of important things. Personal hygiene has fallen by the wayside, since I couldn't fathom taking a shower in the ten minutes it takes for him to realize that I have left him alone with the musical giraffe.

So now that he is asleep, I have some time to myself to write, to read, to start exercising and turning my flab back into some semblance of a toned, healthy body. The other day I started with a few simple pilates routines, and ten crunches. I've been so sore for two days, that I can barely get up and off the sofa. Who knew you used your abs to get off the sofa?! Add to that, this weekend's upward climb from my car to the restaurant with the baby, stroller and bag, and I can hardly feel my legs anymore. I have a wedding to attend in November, and although I am already back to my pre-pregnancy weight (yes, I know, hate me) I have a ways to go in taming this stomach to look like it did before.

Half the announcements are done. Only 40 more to go.....zzzzzzz........

Does your local Sex Offender approve of Sarah Palin?

I've heard a number of reasons why Sarah Palin is "qualified" to lead the country, including the fact that she's a governor (big deal, so was G.W. Bush), she's a mother of five (Obama is a father of two), and she's got an 80% approval rating as governor of Alaska.

Although I've read varying accounts ranging from 60% to 80%, suppose that the figure is completely accurate. Let us take a peek at the demographics of Alaska, shall we?

The total population of Alaska in 2005 was recorded as 663,661. That breaks down to
White - 74.71%
Black - 4.72%
American Native/Alaska Native - 18.77%
Asian - 5.90%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander - 0.88%

It looks like that approval rating comes from the White population with a whopping 75%, and borrowing a percentage point from every other ethnic group, you have approximately 80%.

Now let's take a look at the demographics for the rest of the U.S. including the "lower 48" as the Alaskans so affectionately call us.
The current U.S. population is a little over 300 million. It is estimated that in 2008 the demographics break down as follows:

White (non-Hispanic) - 68%
Hispanic - 15%
Black - 12%
Asian - 5%

By 2050, the U.S. is projected to look like:

White (non-Hispanic) - 46%
Hispanic - 30%
Black - 15%
Asian - 9%

So my layperson analysis is that the ethnic make-up of Alaska doesn't accurately reflect that of the rest of the United States, and is made more glaringly obvious when taken in comparison with the projected change in demographics by 2050. Alask is not in tune with the direction that the rest of the U.S. is moving in, and will never be. As Governor Palin's approval rating parallels that of the ethnic breakdown of her state, can we really expect a similarly high approval rating in her job as VP of the U.S., an ethnically diverse nation?

Just for kicks:

From Democratic Underground, "According to our research there were 63 registered sex offenders living in Wasilla, Alaska in early 2007. The ratio of number of residents in Wasilla to the number of sex offenders is 133 to 1."
One poster notes "According to the data, Wasilla has 9,780 people -- half of them are woman, but only one sex offender is a woman. Of the male population, roughly 33 percent are children. This means there are about 3270 men and 133 sex offenders. This means that one out of every 25 men in Wasilla is a sex offender. Yikes."

Makes you feel kinda slimy thinking about just whose approval Governor Palin has!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Busy as a Blob

It's nearly midnight, as I busy myself with our announcement cards. Armaan has been acting difficult these last two nights, taking much longer than usual to fall asleep. I really can't tell if it's normal baby fusiness, or some new phenomenon that I am yet to discover. All the lullabies and rocking of the past three hours didn't send him to dreamland. I just managed to get him to sleep a while ago after I let him doze off in my lap. If he was like a normal baby, and took naps during the day, I could accomplish a lot more, and these announcement cards wouldn't be sitting here six weeks after baby arrived.

Speaking of, I went in for my six week post-natal appointment with the Doc. He gave me a clean bill of health, and a prescription for birth control. I was a little misty eyed when I gave Doc a hug goodbye, as this was our last meeting. He and his staff have been so good to us, I really feel that they care about me and the baby, rather than treating us as just another patient. Our hospital was fantastic. Even the garage staff were kind and thoughtful. I never had to park far from the hospital door, and they would always bring my car to the exit for me. I'm sending the Doc and his staff a birth announcement, as well as a box of chocolates as a thank you. I told him that I would see him again in a few years with Baby #2. Hopefully he won't have retired by then!

To Do List for tomorrow:

- Finish addressing announcements
- Fold baby's laundry
- Eat lunch (this is getting more difficult everyday)
- Research for a project that I am starting with Mom
- Call to have pump rental renewed
- Sell couch
- Locate student loan documents and call for deferment
- Have prescription filled
- blah blah blah

Of course, I can only do any of these tasks when the baby takes a nap. Maybe I should add "Put baby for nap" on the task list. That should take the entire day in itself.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Strangle me with those leggings, Please.

Today Armaan and I went to the mall in celebration of one of the warmest days of the year. I think it was close to 85 degrees today. Certainly it was no comparison to the Houston summers of my youth, but I will take any degree of warmth and sunshine in this godawful cold city. So I put him in the Snugli and off we went to Powell street to pursue some low grade retail therapy.

I think having a cute baby strapped to your body is like having a get out of jail free card. Even the MUNI officers, who are usually Nazis about checking your proof of purchase stubs and booking you for not finding yours in time, seemed to back off from their attack. The checking officer at Powell station, one of the busiest in the city, and most notorious for fare skippers, waved me by as he meticulously checked all the other people getting out. "Go ahead ma'am don't worry about it." It was like garlic warding off vampires.

So I bought the YSL nailpolish in the fall 08 collection, a nice dark purple-y color. That, and a pair of leggings. I couldn't resist. I know I won't be going anywhere that I can wear them any time soon. I mean, the hubby can't seem to put the baby to sleep for the night, nor can he determine if the face the baby is making is a "I'm hungry" face, or an "I'm gassy" face. Knowing hubby, he won't be able to distinguish between the two, overdose him on formula, and a projectil vomit episode will ensue. Then he will call me in a panic on my cell phone, and I will have to abandon whatever semblance of the adult world I am indulging in, and come home to tend to a baby-turned-fountain-of-Similac.

The nailpolish will come to use sooner, though. While I can't head off to the spa to have my nails done, I can do a hack job at home. Imperfect 10, here I come!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Palins Under the Bus

I've come to the conclusion that Governor Sarah Palin is merely a pawn for the GOP and McCain. There doesn't seem to be another logical explanation for the fact that the McCain campaign picked a first term governor of a state with a population equal to that of El Paso, Texas, with little to no experience making executive decisions. The decision to tap Governor Palin, a self-professed conservative Christian, for the veep slot was exactly the spark that the GOP and McCain's campaign needed to ignite the evangelicals planning to sit out this race. As a mother of five, staunchly pro-life (even in the case of rape and incest), anti-gay rights and a huge proponent of offshore drilling and even drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (a position that even John McCain is against), this is exactly the kind of attack dog that the Right craves. The McCain camp probably thought that by adding Palin to the ticket, they would kill three birds with one stone: Energize the evangelicals, make McCain look like a forward thinking "maverick," and pick up former Hillary Clinton voters who haven't yet committed to Barack Obama. It looks like yes, they have gotten the evangelicals/right-wingers on board, but whether McCain will look like a "maverick" and whether they will pick up a large bloc of former Clinton voters remains to be seen. Personally, as a Hillary supporter, I am insulted. Did Team McCain really think that "any woman will do?" That if I can't have say, filet mignon, that ramen noodles will do? Come on. I have yet to hear anything of substance from Sarah Palin that would even nominally compare to Hillary Clinton.

That said, it's funny that all these scandals about Sarah and the Palin family are tearing out of the floodgates in rapid succession. The McCain camp thought that Governor Palin would be a great power play, but instead, are finding out very quickly, that their "through vetting process" lacked significant depth. Consider: McCain only met Palin ONCE in February this year, before offering her the VP job on Thursday August 28th 2008. The decision was announced on Friday, August 29th. Following the weekend, bright and early on Monday morning, September 1st, it was revealed that Bristol Palin is 5 months pregnant. It was also revealed that Governor Palin who also styled herself a "maverick" that fiercely fought pork barrel spending, strongly supported the pork project: Bridge to Nowhere before she was forced by Congress to drop the project. According to Governor Palin:

I told the Congress "thanks, but no thanks," for that Bridge to Nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, we'd build it ourselves..

So essentially, she lied to reporters (and to McCain's Team of veep vetters, I'm assuming) when she told them that she did not support the Bridge to Nowhere. She was forced withdraw her support after the federal funds for the almost $400 million dollar project were pulled, and Alaska would have to pony up $329 million of the cost themselves. So much for the "reformist" governor.

So now with the McCain veep pick going to hell in a handbasket, and even conservative Republican analysts blasting McCain for his hasty and irrational decision, it remains to be seen whether McCain will drop Palin and pick someone else, or burn the Republican party in the November election. Personally, I think he has insulted the qualified women of his own party, such as Condoleeza Rice, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and even top advisor Carly Fiorina. As much as I HATE Condi, I have to admit that she is experienced, and ready to lead (in the wrong direction, but at least for the GOP, the "Right" direction). And Fiorina has actual executive experience as head of HP. Kay Bailey, I just like. No reason, really. She's just Texan. And as a Texan, I love Kay.

With the Palin family kids at the mercy of the GOP puppetmasters, and their ego-maniacal, self-aggrandizing and self-serving mother, whose got a taste of the good life, going from small town mayor to Alaska's governor, and now the historic VP nominee, I feel really bad for them, especially the teenage girls and the baby. Being a teenager ain't easy, and Mom's ambitious agenda isn't going to help the situation either.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

From the Horse's Mouth

"The parents here are the culprits!"--Rush Limbaugh reacting to the news in December 2007 that teen actress Jamie Lynn Spears was pregnant
Full exchange:
CALLER: Would you tend to think that a family in this position, though, wouldn't you think that there would be a more watchful eye as a parent to be watching over these kids so this doesn't happen to them?
RUSH: I would certainly hope so, but it's long past time for this to happen. The parents here are the culprits!

Taken from

Oh Governor Palin, do I need to elaborate?

Another Sleepless Night

It's 1:30AM and I can't sleep. It's not that the baby is awake and thus, keeping me awake. It's just that I can't fall asleep when I get into bed. I'm exhausted, and my brain hurts, but sleep just will not find me right now. I suppose I will automatically get feeding and diaper duty with baby wakes up for his 2AM shift.

Went to Bang San Thai for dinner with Chris and Andrea. It was quite fabulous. The best part (aside from the chicken wings) was seeing Chris holding Armaan. His expression was just pure comedy. You could tell that he had never held any person so small before.

Just when I thought that Armaan had gotten over the projectile vomit thing, he barfed all over me. Furthermore, he not only barfed on me, he barfed and got it on my butt. Now, I know that sounds absolutely absurd but it's quite possible and true! When he threw up, I thought phew! at least he missed me, and just barfed on the couch. But when I got up I realized that yes, he hadn't thrown up ON me. He threw up on the sofa, which in turn, spread to my pants, and lo and behold, vomit on my ass.

Baby - 4; Mommy - 0

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Baby Baldy

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone!

We had an interesting weekend back at my parents' house. Saturday morning my mom and dad made breakfast as usual, but then whipped out the trimmer and insisted on shaving my son's head.

A little background: Muslim tradition dictates that a baby should have his/her first haircut within a month of his/her birth, and that the hair's weight in silver should be donated to charity. Armaan's hair weighed less than an ounce, and an ounce of silver is going for $17 on the current market, so we are supposed to donate $17 to someone in need. This is called the aqiqa. Additionally, the parents are supposed to slaughter a goat and donate the meat to those in need. Normally, people just throw a diner party and serve the meat at that time.

I wasn't really keen on shaving his head. I would rather give the money and forget about the hair business. But mom and dad insisted, and so over eggs and paratas, I relented. Armaan was very good about the whole mess, and was quiet as a mouse until the very end when his patience ran thin. Then he started to whine a little bit.

I think that shaving his head makes his face look bigger. Hidden under that awning of dark black feathery hair, his face took on a mousey quality. Now that he resembles Kojak, he looks slightly bigger.

Aside from the aqiqa, Armaan had time to brush up on his projectile vomit skills. Sunday morning, he basted his grandpa with second hand formula, then after he got cleaned up, peed on him in mid-diaper change. He repeated said procedure that evening when I was at the park behind mom and dad's house for a picnic. I didn't even get to take a bite of barbecue chicken when M called and said I needed to come home STAT. He had barfed all over my little brother's bed, and himself, which mandated a bath. After the bath, I took him to my other brother's bed (little brother had banned his nephew from the bed for the rest of the evening) and before I could take his towel off, Armaan had peed on the bed. GOOD GRIEF.

Tonight we are going to venture off into the Tenderloin for dinner. Armaan's first visit to the TL aka Crack Addicts R Us. My mom and dad would kill me if they knew we were going to take their first born grandson to the TL, thai food or not. Time to test out the Snugli in the field! I;m kinda excited. =)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin's Abstinence Only Education Pans Out

First of all, let me just say, this is not an attack on Bristol Palin. Poor girl has a whole host of problems to deal with now. As a new mom, I know it's no picnic to be waking up three, four times a night to feed a baby, get no sleep during the day as the little guy eats and poops, and have no time for day time naps. Being a mom means dropping all the other roles in your life, and being just MOM for a really long time. It's a tough job for anyone, especially a 17 year old girl whose mother has just stepped into the national spotlight on a presidential ticket. So my heart goes out to her. I wish her luck in raising a child as a teenage mom.


Governor Palin supports abstinence-only sex-ed programs for Alaska schools. According to CNN:

In a 2006 Eagle Forum questionnaire, Palin indicated that she supported funding abstinence-until-marriage education programs instead of teaching sex-education programs.
"Explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Palin wrote in the conservative group’s questionnaire.

Now, I may not be a conservative, but I agree that abstinence is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs. However, in creating policies by which to govern a state and its people, including and especially its children, one has to be pragmatic about what can and will be effective in solving a problem. For example, a big problem in San Francisco is homelessness. But the city cannot mandate that in order for any person to live in San Francisco, they must have a job and find appropriate housing, in order to solve the problem of homelessness. Such a law does not effectively address the problem of homelessness, just as abstinence only sex-ed does not effectively address the problem of teen pregnancies. Teenagers of conservative parents and liberal parents alike, will have sex, regardless of their parents' views. The question is, how do parents and school administrators mitigate the repercussions of teens having sex before marriage. Teaching the responsible and proper use of contraceptives is the job of the school administrators and government, teaching the moral implications of pre-marital sex is the job of parents. In supporting abstinence only sex-ed for Alaska's students, Governor Palin has failed those young adults making the decision to have sex.

As a parent, Sarah Palin has failed to be attentive to her daughter's needs, and oblivious to her actions. I find it hard to believe that a mother of a pregnant teen, and a special needs infant would put her self-interests and her ego before the needs of her children.

GROW UP, SARAH PALIN. This is not a high scool popularity contest. Yes, you may have a better than 60% approval raing in Alaska, however, that's really not the point. As a member of the party of "family values" shouldn't you be putting your family first? As a member of the party of "family values" shouldn't you put your money where your mouth is? As a member of the party of "family values" shouldn't you practice what you preach?

Sarah Palin = Worst Veep pick. Ever.