This week my son has decided to become nocturnal. Ever since our Monday outing to the doctor's office, where he slept in the stroller most of the day, he's taken to staying up later and later, until yesterday, at 2am, I decided that I had enough. So today, when he woke up at 1pm, I didn't try to put him down for a midday nap. Not that it matters; he refuses to sleep during the day anyway. He did fall asleep for half an hour between 4 and 4:30, but aside from that, he's been wide awake and fussy. Around 8pm he started getting sleepy and super cranky. Finally, at 10pm, I fed him and put him down to sleep. I think he will sleep most of the night through.
It's puzzling that a child this young can go the entire day without napping at all. From 1pm until 10pm, he slept just half an hour. At night, he wakes up every 2-3 hours for his feeding, then goes back to sleep. People tell me that he's extremely alert and aware for a six week old baby, and I'm thinking, You have NO idea. My aunt noted that he sleeps like a much older child, awake the entire day and (mostly) sleeping through the night. I wouldn't be complaining much if he was the kind of baby that I could put down in his chair or play mat and leave him be for an hour. He demands that you talk to him, hold him, at least be in his vicinity so that he is reassured that he is still the center of attention. If he would take a nap during the day, or at least play by himself, I could concentrate on a number of important things. Personal hygiene has fallen by the wayside, since I couldn't fathom taking a shower in the ten minutes it takes for him to realize that I have left him alone with the musical giraffe.
So now that he is asleep, I have some time to myself to write, to read, to start exercising and turning my flab back into some semblance of a toned, healthy body. The other day I started with a few simple pilates routines, and ten crunches. I've been so sore for two days, that I can barely get up and off the sofa. Who knew you used your abs to get off the sofa?! Add to that, this weekend's upward climb from my car to the restaurant with the baby, stroller and bag, and I can hardly feel my legs anymore. I have a wedding to attend in November, and although I am already back to my pre-pregnancy weight (yes, I know, hate me) I have a ways to go in taming this stomach to look like it did before.
Half the announcements are done. Only 40 more to go.....zzzzzzz........
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