Whew! Talk about a rough day. I've had a rough couple of weeks! Almost a month ago, I had a really high fever all weekend, the chills, uncontrollable shaking, and I was so cold, I thought I would die. I found myself at home with a 107.7 fever, and had to call an ambulance to take me to the ER. Turns out, that when I delivered my beautiful baby boy, he left behind a little piece of placenta, which calicifed, and resulted in a massive blood infection. I had surgery to remove it the same night, which meant getting a C-section cut in my lower abdomen, an IV jammed into my neck, and then being on antibiotics for two weeks! Needless to say, I've had a rough road to recovery, and it's only now, that I can think clearly enough to make coherent sentences (barely).
As an added bonus, because I had IVs in both my arms, I wasn't able to use them for anything else except getting on and off the bed, so I was unable to breastfeed for the week I was in the hospital, and then another two weeks while I was in recovery and on antibiotics. So when I was finally recovered enough to nurse my son, I found that I am now unable to, because I'm not producing anymore. DAMN IT! It's been a really shitty month for me.
Tomorrow I'm going to see the Blue Angels' Air Show, because nothing makes me feel better than speed. Not the kind that comes in tablets. The kind that comes from engines. YAY! Honestly, I don't think anyone has had a worse time with their delivery and post natal period (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a leeeetle bit).
This leaves me only three weeks to get into shape for my cousin's wedding in November. I had started some pilates routines before I ended up on an ambulance gurney, but now all that work has gone to waste, and I don't think that the "spare tire look" is IN for fall. Tomorrow (before the Air Show yippeee!) I'll go to the gym and see if I can't start working out again.
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