Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Does your local Sex Offender approve of Sarah Palin?

I've heard a number of reasons why Sarah Palin is "qualified" to lead the country, including the fact that she's a governor (big deal, so was G.W. Bush), she's a mother of five (Obama is a father of two), and she's got an 80% approval rating as governor of Alaska.

Although I've read varying accounts ranging from 60% to 80%, suppose that the figure is completely accurate. Let us take a peek at the demographics of Alaska, shall we?

The total population of Alaska in 2005 was recorded as 663,661. That breaks down to
White - 74.71%
Black - 4.72%
American Native/Alaska Native - 18.77%
Asian - 5.90%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander - 0.88%

It looks like that approval rating comes from the White population with a whopping 75%, and borrowing a percentage point from every other ethnic group, you have approximately 80%.

Now let's take a look at the demographics for the rest of the U.S. including the "lower 48" as the Alaskans so affectionately call us.
The current U.S. population is a little over 300 million. It is estimated that in 2008 the demographics break down as follows:

White (non-Hispanic) - 68%
Hispanic - 15%
Black - 12%
Asian - 5%

By 2050, the U.S. is projected to look like:

White (non-Hispanic) - 46%
Hispanic - 30%
Black - 15%
Asian - 9%

So my layperson analysis is that the ethnic make-up of Alaska doesn't accurately reflect that of the rest of the United States, and is made more glaringly obvious when taken in comparison with the projected change in demographics by 2050. Alask is not in tune with the direction that the rest of the U.S. is moving in, and will never be. As Governor Palin's approval rating parallels that of the ethnic breakdown of her state, can we really expect a similarly high approval rating in her job as VP of the U.S., an ethnically diverse nation?

Just for kicks:

From Democratic Underground, "According to our research there were 63 registered sex offenders living in Wasilla, Alaska in early 2007. The ratio of number of residents in Wasilla to the number of sex offenders is 133 to 1."
One poster notes "According to the data, Wasilla has 9,780 people -- half of them are woman, but only one sex offender is a woman. Of the male population, roughly 33 percent are children. This means there are about 3270 men and 133 sex offenders. This means that one out of every 25 men in Wasilla is a sex offender. Yikes."

Makes you feel kinda slimy thinking about just whose approval Governor Palin has!

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